Saturday, 24 September 2011

Body building for girls


health center mental health

Why Do I Have Muscle Aches in Legs?

If you have some muscle aches in legs, then you probably also exercised for the first time in a while the other day. These muscle aches should not be viewed as a problem, and they are actually a good sign as long as they don?t become too severe. Most people simply do not exercise enough, [...]


lithium medication sinus infection medication

Another double digit premium increase from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Just returned from an eye exam with my pupils dilated wide enough that I can’t read. Luckily, I’m able to crank the font size way up on my computer monitor so that I can see well enough to write this. When I left the eye doctor I commented to the receptionist that my $25 co-pay [...]


24 hours fitness kinect fitness

Friday, 23 September 2011

Smart money on Pfizer?

Seeking Alpha highlights what leading hedge funds are doing with Pfizer. Some are selling, but some savvy (i.e., very rich) investors like David Einhorn –who also holds a lot of Microsoft shares– are buying. It’s an interesting move. Personally I find it hard to be bullish on Pfizer. Sure, they scored a victory against Teva [...]


community health systems discovery health channel

Minoxidil Made Me Bald in Under 2 Months

Dr Rassman,
minoxidil is the worst product ever in the world. I started using it 1 and half month ago and then my hair loss reached a shocking amount .I quit minoxidil 15 days ago. My hair loss reduced but still there is some shedding. Now I am look like really bald. I am really worried [...]


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HHS to Pay Brokers for Enrolling Consumers in Federal High Risk Pool

Should brokers be compensated for helping consumers to enroll in government programs like the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) created by the new health care reform law? Until now, the federal government?s answer has been ?no.? That changed today and a significant precedent is being set. The National Association of Health Underwriters announced today that, [...]


sinus medication pain medication

Medicare and The President?s Plan to Reduce the Deficit?Cuts That Make Sense


flu medication anger medication

Who?s confused? Angry patients or physicians?

Radiology practices don’t like having angry patients, according to AuntMinnie: Patient dissatisfaction is a recurring problem for radiology administrators and imaging providers, and one that can cause disruption, thus wasting a practice’s precious time. Indeed! But luckily a speaker at a recent conference is prepared with a diagnosis and solution. According to FrogDog’s Leslie Farnsworth, [...]


erectile dysfunction medication lithium medication

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Niche blockbusters: the next drug cost crisis?

For quite a while –especially in the 1990s and early 2000s– rising drug costs were a major driver of medical inflation. Big pharma was rolling out lots of “me too” products in existing drug classes –such as statins (e.g., Lipitor) and COX-2 inhibitors (e.g., Vioxx)– that could be prescribed widely. In a normal market, having [...]


discovery health channel arab health

Raising Awareness and Healing Skin

You may have noticed an influx of breast cancer ads on TV, in stores, and around your neighborhood recently. That?s because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Used as a platform for breast cancer charities across the country to increase support for their cause, this month gets a lot of recognition in the press.

Breast cancer walks and runs are widespread, and landmark buildings worldwide ? like the Empire State Building and the Tower of London ? are decked out in pink in support of those with the disease. Check out a football game on Sunday and you?ll notice that even burly NFL players have their pink gear on.

Many companies will also be donating a portion of their proceeds to breast cancer charities over the next few weeks. Among them is Pomega5, a skincare line that uses biodynamic botanicals and Omega 5 oils to treat skin imperfections. During October and November, Pomega5 will donate 10% of proceeds from sales of all its products to the California-based To Celebrate Life Breast Cancer Foundation.

As the daughter of a breast cancer survivor, I?ll admit I favor companies that support this cause, but I was able to test one of their products with an open-mind. According to their website, Pomega5?s Healing Cream is formulated to soothe and moisturize dry, damaged skin with a combination of Omega oils and shea butter.

Sounds like a winner, doesn?t it?

I applied the cream twice a day to the dry patches of skin on my hands, elbows, and legs. It isn?t heavy like most lotions, and it blends in quickly and smoothly. Within a week, I noticed an improvement in my skin. My hands were softer, my elbows weren?t as rough, and my legs felt silky.

Based on my results and the product reviews on their site, it seems like Pomega5 has hit it out of the park with this one? although I do have one gripe.

This 1.7 fl oz bottle of Healing Cream is being sold for $70! Seems like a hefty price for such a small bottle. As someone who has struggled with problematic skin ? and has spent a ton of money trying to treat it ? I am always frustrated by the cost of good skincare products. We all have a right to beautiful skin, but we shouldn?t have to break the bank for it.

While I applaud Pomega5 for their support of breast cancer, I am disappointed in the price of their products. As a result, I?ll stick to the economy-size lotion I buy in drug stores for $6.99. I may not have perfect skin, but at least I have some cash in my pocket.

Kellie Clark, Everyday Health Production Editor


discovery channel arab health 2011

What the Talmud teaches about drug company gifts to doctors

Recently I heard a Rabbi discuss the prohibitions against bribes in Jewish law. He shared the Talmudic insight that “a gift blinds the eyes of the wise” and taught that this refers not just to obvious bribes but even to small, innocent-seeming gestures that appear too insignificant to influence another person but that actually do [...]


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Tips for People who suffer from Heartburn

Most likely you have several friends among your circle that suffer from gastroesophageal reflux or what is commonly known as heartburn. If you are suffering from the condition yourself, here are some tips to help you minimize the symptoms: Take medications as prescribed Upon consult, your doctor might prescribe some Histamine 2 blockers or antacids [...]


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Health Wonk Review is up at Managed Care Matters

Managed Care Matters hosts the latest Health Wonk Review. Health Policy Heat Wave edition. Share


depression medication depression

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Lower triglycerides with Spices


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American bodybuilding


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Natural Bodybuilding


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Catching Up on Health Care Reform

Hello. It?s been awhile. Hope you?re all well. To all who have inquired, my thanks for your concern, but all?s good. Hectic, but good. Lot?s going on (more on that later) and an awful lot of travel. I?ve had a chance to meet and talk with brokers in various parts of the country, including a [...]


wii fitness wii games

Yogurt Review / Comparison (Gluten-Free): Voskos vs. Liberte


pain medication medication side effects

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Acupuncture not good in stroke recovery

Acupuncture is often used to supplement traditional stroke rehabilitation, although its effectiveness is uncertain.

This study, perhaps the most comprehensive to date as it includes trials published in English language and Asian journals, was a systematic review conducted by researchers in South Korea and the United Kingdom.They included 10 studies (out of a potential 664) with a total of 711 patients who had had strokes.

stroke recovery process"Few randomized, sham-controlled trials have tested the effectiveness of acupuncture during stroke rehabilitation," wrote Dr. Edzard Ernst, Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, England with coauthors."The majority of the existing studies do not suggest that acupuncture is effective," he said.

They note that the only two studies showing positive effect were highly biased and had poor reporting which made them less reliable that the others included. The evidence from rigorous studies testing the effectiveness of acupuncture during stroke rehabilitation is negative."

Tags : stroke recovery center,stroke recovery exercises,stroke recovery time brain,stroke recovery statistics,stroke recovery process


red medicine best cold medicine

Grand Rounds Vol. 7 No. 38

When I first hosted Grand Rounds six years ago, the iPhone, iPad and Twitter didn’t exist, and Facebook was not yet available to the general public. Barack Obama had not appeared on the scene and there was no discussion of the Affordable Care Act. Yet a lot of the topics in that edition would be [...]


sinus infection medication heartburn medication

Smoking and ectopic pregnancy

signs of ectopic pregnancyWomen who smoke regularly are four times more likely to have ectopic pregnancy than those who don't smoke, say scientists. Researchers of the Edinburgh University have found a chemical in cigarette smoke that causes a reaction, which may lead to ectopic pregnancies.

The researchers said Cotinine triggered a reaction, which increased a protein in the Fallopian tubes. The protein, called PROKR1, raised the risk of an egg implanting outside the womb.

PROKR1 allows pregnancies to implant correctly inside the womb, but its presence in the Fallopian tubes is believed to increase the risks of this happening outside the womb.

The study found that women who smoked and developed an ectopic pregnancy had twice as much PROKR1 in their Fallopian tubes as women who did not smoke and had previously had a healthy pregnancy.

Researchers believe that too much of the protein prevents the muscles in the walls of the Fallopian tubes from contracting, which in turn hinders the transfer of the egg to the womb.

Tags : ectopic pregnancy symptoms,signs of ectopic pregnancy,ectopic pregnancy hcg levels,causes of ectopic pregnancy,ectopic pregnancy test


health department home health

Catching Up on Health Care Reform

Hello. It?s been awhile. Hope you?re all well. To all who have inquired, my thanks for your concern, but all?s good. Hectic, but good. Lot?s going on (more on that later) and an awful lot of travel. I?ve had a chance to meet and talk with brokers in various parts of the country, including a [...]


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Monday, 19 September 2011

Acupuncture not good in stroke recovery

Acupuncture is often used to supplement traditional stroke rehabilitation, although its effectiveness is uncertain.

This study, perhaps the most comprehensive to date as it includes trials published in English language and Asian journals, was a systematic review conducted by researchers in South Korea and the United Kingdom.They included 10 studies (out of a potential 664) with a total of 711 patients who had had strokes.

stroke recovery process"Few randomized, sham-controlled trials have tested the effectiveness of acupuncture during stroke rehabilitation," wrote Dr. Edzard Ernst, Peninsula Medical School, Exeter, England with coauthors."The majority of the existing studies do not suggest that acupuncture is effective," he said.

They note that the only two studies showing positive effect were highly biased and had poor reporting which made them less reliable that the others included. The evidence from rigorous studies testing the effectiveness of acupuncture during stroke rehabilitation is negative."

Tags : stroke recovery center,stroke recovery exercises,stroke recovery time brain,stroke recovery statistics,stroke recovery process


pain medication medication side effects

Grand Rounds blog carnival to be hosted on Health Business Blog next week

I’ll be hosting the upcoming edition of the Grand Rounds blog carnival. Please email your entry by Sunday night, June 12. Share


wii zumba fitness wii fitness games

Protein in urine strong indicator of prostate cancer risk

A protein in urine could be a strong indicator of prostate cancer risk, according to British scientists who say their findings could one day be developed into a quick and simple test for the disease.

Scientists from the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute and the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) said the protein, called microseminoprotein-beta or MSMB, is found at reduced levels in men diagnosed with the disease and are also lower in men with more aggressive forms of the cancer.

new prostate cancer test"The protein is easy to detect because it is found in urine and would potentially be a very simple test to carry out on men to identify those most at risk of developing the disease," said Hayley Whitaker of the Cambridge institute, who led the study.

Tags : new prostate cancer test,psa prostate cancer test,prostate cancer test results,prostate cancer test kit,home prostate cancer test,prostate cancer test procedure,free prostate cancer test,prostate cancer test psa


flu medication anger medication

How to Do the Master Cleanse Diet

The master cleanse, sometimes referred to as the lemonade diet, is technically not a diet, but a fasting technique used to provide a total body cleanse. The simple formula is inexpensive, and helps purge excess waste and toxins stored in the organs and digestive tract. Precautions Be warned, although the rules are few, the master [...]


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Sunday, 18 September 2011

Yogurt Review / Comparison (Gluten-Free): Voskos vs. Liberte


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Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part IV

What is Food Reward?

After reading comments on my recent posts, I realized I need to do a better job of defining the term "food reward".� I'm going to take a moment to do that here.� Reward is a psychology term with a specific definition: "a process that reinforces behavior" (1).� Rewarding food is not the same thing as food that tastes good, although they often occur together.�

Read more �


arab health 2011 community health systems

Rectal Prolapse ? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Surgery

What is Rectal Prolapse? This is a condition occurring when the rectum which is the lowest intestinal section, loses internal support and slips outside the body. Symptoms are many and this condition occurs in older adults ? normally women and in some cases in young children. Rectal prolapse in infants may be a sign of cystic fibrosis. Rectal Prolapse Symptoms Symptoms of rectal prolapse include some of the following: Constipation Cystic fibrosis Fecal incontinence Feeling a bulge or protrusion thru the anus Anal bleeding The major symptom is a reddish colored mass that can stick out from the anal opening, especially following bowel movements. The lining of the rectal tissue [...]


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Health Wonk Review is up at Managed Care Matters

Managed Care Matters hosts the latest Health Wonk Review. Health Policy Heat Wave edition. Share


pain medication medication side effects

Catching Up on Health Care Reform

Hello. It?s been awhile. Hope you?re all well. To all who have inquired, my thanks for your concern, but all?s good. Hectic, but good. Lot?s going on (more on that later) and an awful lot of travel. I?ve had a chance to meet and talk with brokers in various parts of the country, including a [...]


kinect fitness cardinal fitness

Saturday, 17 September 2011

MedCPU?s Dan Neuwirth on clinical decision support (podcast)

MedCPU is a real-time decision support platform that uses screen extraction and computerized analysis of structured and unstructured electronic medical record data to advise clinicians when they are deviating from clinical guidelines or compliance requirements. In this podcast interview, Americas CEO Dan Neuwirth discusses the company’s origins, technology and initial applications in decision support for [...]


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PatientKeeper CEO Paul Brient on Accountable Care Organizations (Podcast)

Hospitals and other providers that are planning to form Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) must make sure to put a robust information infrastructure in place to enable them to manage patient care and expenses effectively. In this podcast interview, PatientKeeper CEO Paul Brient comments on the ACO draft regulations and discusses the interaction between ACO activities [...]


discovery channel arab health 2011

Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part VIII

Further reading

I didn't come up with the idea that excessive food reward increases calorie intake and can lead to obesity, far from it.  The idea has been floating around the scientific literature for decades.  In 1976, after conducting an interesting diet study in humans, Dr. Michel Cabanac stated that the "palatability of the diet influences the set point of the ponderostat [system that regulates body fatness]" (1).  

Currently there is a growing consensus that food reward/palatability is a major contributor to obesity. This is reflected by the proliferation of review articles appearing in high-profile journals.  For the scientists in the audience who want more detail than I provide on my blog, here are some of the reviews I've read and enjoyed.  These were written by some of the leading scientists in the study of food reward and hedonics:

Palatability of food and the ponderostat.  Michel Cabanac, 1989.
Food reward, hyperphagia and obesity.  Hans-Rudolf Berthoud et al., 2011.
Reward mechanisms in obesity: new insights and future directions.  Paul J. Kenny, 2011.
Relation of obesity to consummatory and anticipatory food reward.  Eric Stice, 2009.
Hedonic and incentive signals for body weight control.  Emil Egecioglu et al., 2011.
Homeostatic and hedonic signals interact in the control of food intake.  Michael Lutter and Eric J. Nestler, 2009.
Opioids as agents of reward-related feeding: a consideration of the evidence.  Allen S. Levine and Charles J. Billington, 2004.
Central opioids and consumption of sweet tastants: when reward outweighs homeostasis.  Pawel K. Olszewski and Allen S. Levine, 2007.
Oral and postoral determinants of food reward.  Anthony Sclafani, 2004.
Reduced dopaminergic tone in hypothalamic neural circuits: expression of a "thrifty" genotype underlying the metabolic syndrome?  Hanno Pijl, 2003.

If you can read all these papers and still not believe in the food reward hypothesis... you deserve some kind of award.


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Bodybuilding magazines


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Gluten-Free Diet for Stamina and Performance


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Friday, 16 September 2011

Broker Testimony Before NAIC Concerning MLR and Commissions

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners will be meeting in Austin, Texas this week to consider a number of issues related to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. One topic will be how the medical loss ratio provisions of the health care reform bill impacts brokers and consumers. A coalition of broker organizations will [...]


mental health health department

Detached Retina (Retinal Detachment) ? Symptoms, Causes and Surgery

Detached Retina The retina is the light-sensitive tissue found at the posterior portion of the inner eye. It focuses the images that comes through the lens and converts them into electrical impulses which are sent to the brain via the optic nerve. It contains photoreceptor cells (cones and rods) contained in its most sensitive part, the macula. The retina has around seven million cones for detailed daytime vision and color perception; and about 75 ? 150 million rods for the dim light (black and white) and peripheral visions. A light-sensitive ganglion cell helps in the reflexive responses to bright light. The retina occupies around 65 percent of the eye?s inner [...]


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Antibiotics? Scary Future

?What people might not know about resistance,? says Eric Utt, a former antibiotic researcher now working in Pfizer?s science public-policy division, ?is that the resistant organisms are already there. This is why we find bacteria that are resistant to new antibiotics, even before those drugs reach the market.? They?re often the loners in the corner [...]


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The building of the female body


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States and Health Care Reform

Health insurance has long been a state affair in the USA. Insurance companies were even exempt from many aspects of federal anti-trust law to better enable state regulators to oversee their activities. Yes, there were federal laws that standardized certain aspects of the business?think HIPAA and COBRA. Think about Medicaid, Medicare and SCHIP while you?re [...]


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Thursday, 15 September 2011

Gluten-Free Recipe: Quinoa and Smoked Gouda stuffed Poblano Peppers


sinus infection cold medication

Effort to Eliminate Waste Coming Soon

It?s not that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act doesn?t contain any provisions aimed at reducing the cost of medical care ? it?s that it doesn?t have enough of them. Still, what it has should be acknowledged. For example, Politico Pulse has reported that a unit of Health and Human Services will soon announce [...]


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Link between asthma and prostate cancer

asthma and prostate cancerMen who take steroid tablets or injections for treating severe asthma could face 70 per cent higher risk of prostate cancer. Those who regularly use an inhaler or a bronchodilator to relieve wheezing are 36 per cent more at risk, says a new study.

Even having asthma appears to increase prostate cancer risk by around 25 per cent. But the chances of a tumour are significantly higher if people start medication, says a Daily Mail report.The study was undertaken by a team of scientists in Melbourne, Australia.

They decided to look at the link between asthma and prostate cancer because both arise from inflammation in the body, according to the journal Cancer Epidemiology , Biomarkers and Prevention.

Tag : asthma treatment,asthma symptoms,asthma attack,asthma inhaler,asthma cure


golds gym 24 fitness

Detached Retina (Retinal Detachment) ? Symptoms, Causes and Surgery

Detached Retina The retina is the light-sensitive tissue found at the posterior portion of the inner eye. It focuses the images that comes through the lens and converts them into electrical impulses which are sent to the brain via the optic nerve. It contains photoreceptor cells (cones and rods) contained in its most sensitive part, the macula. The retina has around seven million cones for detailed daytime vision and color perception; and about 75 ? 150 million rods for the dim light (black and white) and peripheral visions. A light-sensitive ganglion cell helps in the reflexive responses to bright light. The retina occupies around 65 percent of the eye?s inner [...]



Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Diaphoresis The body performs best if its temperature is around 37� Celsius (98.6� Fahrenheit). The body?s internal temperature is closely monitored by the hypothalamus. Once the temperature reaches a point where homeostasis is compromised, the hypothalamus will try to lower it by the triggering the sweat mechanism. Sweating is the body?s inherent method of regulating temperature that is why people would sweat more if the temperature outside is high, when doing exercises or when responding to circumstances that would make them afraid, embarrassed or angry. The amount of sweat produced would depend on the number of sweat glands a person has. Normally, a person has around 2 ? 4 million [...]


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Detached Retina (Retinal Detachment) ? Symptoms, Causes and Surgery

Detached Retina The retina is the light-sensitive tissue found at the posterior portion of the inner eye. It focuses the images that comes through the lens and converts them into electrical impulses which are sent to the brain via the optic nerve. It contains photoreceptor cells (cones and rods) contained in its most sensitive part, the macula. The retina has around seven million cones for detailed daytime vision and color perception; and about 75 ? 150 million rods for the dim light (black and white) and peripheral visions. A light-sensitive ganglion cell helps in the reflexive responses to bright light. The retina occupies around 65 percent of the eye?s inner [...]


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The Carbohydrate Hypothesis of Obesity: a Critical Examination


I'd like to begin by emphasizing that carbohydrate restriction has helped many people lose body fat and improve their metabolic health.� Although it doesn't work for everyone, there is no doubt that carbohydrate restriction causes fat loss in many, perhaps even most obese people.� For a subset of people, the results can be very impressive.� I consider that to be a fact at this point, but that's not what I'll be discussing here.�

What I want to discuss is a hypothesis.� It's the idea, championed by Gary Taubes, that carbohydrate (particularly refined carbohydrate) causes obesity by elevating insulin, thereby causing increased fat storage in fat cells.� To demonstrate that I'm representing this hypothesis accurately, here is a quote from his book Good Calories, Bad Calories:

Read more �


discovery channel arab health 2011

Body building for girls


kinect fitness cardinal fitness

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Hot and Cold Therapy With a Scented Twist

It?s occurred to me that temperature control has a big impact on my comfort level. If you live in an area dominated by extreme temperatures (read: record-breaking heat wave summers in Manhattan), a cold shower or bubble bath at the end of a long day can be the difference between a breath of relief and a temper tantrum. So when I tried out Carex?s Bed Buddy Hot & Cold Pack, I was hopeful to add a new hot-cold quick fix into my options.  

I tried out a Bed Buddy delightfully scented with ?pink bliss,? an aromatherapy blend intended to be ?uplifting and healing.? (It?s also available in green fresh ? ?purifying, invigorating? ? and orange balance ? ?comforting, calming?). It?s bright pink, about a foot-and-some-change long, and filled with natural grain, herbs, and flowers. The pack is bookended with sturdy rope handles.

After checking the package instructions about 17 times to make sure I was reading it correctly, I cooked the Bed Buddy Easy-Mac-style in my microwave for a minute and 15 seconds. To my relief, it did not catch fire.

The reason we use heat for pain relief is because it?s soothing for the aching body. It relieves stiff, sore muscles while stimulating blood flow. I used mine on my shoulders and neck, which were sore from a yoga class the day before. The pack reaches the perfect level of warmth ? never hot enough to be scalding but warm enough to earn a resounding ?aahhhh.? And it lasts for a while ? about an hour to be exact. Within 10 minutes I felt relief. The heated Bed Buddy is my post-workout buddy. I could also use it as a post-day-at-the-office buddy, where my neck is victim to 8 hours in front of a computer screen.

Cold therapy can reduce swelling when pain causes joint inflammation. And while I don?t have any swollen joints to tend to at the moment, I thought the cold pack would be nice for my non-air-conditioned apartment on a hot day. The pack should be stored overnight in the freezer for cold therapy use.

(Note: When the package instructs to place the Bed Buddy in a plastic bag before storing it in the freezer, it?s serious. Upon not being able to find a plastic bag, I left it in the freezer willy-nilly. My Bed Buddy now smells like frozen fish and leftover vodka from last Christmas. The herbs and seeds must absorb the smells around it.)

The cold-acting side of the pack is not a role it plays well. After a night in the freezer, the pack is slightly cool at best. So if you suffer from chronic muscle pain, arthritis, or all-around achiness, you?re better off using an ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables.

At only $12.99 and with plenty of reuse value, the Bed Buddy is worth a try. The comfort of the heated pack is so wonderful that I can forgive the shortcomings of the cold pack attempt.  

And a heads up: If you purchase the ?pink bliss? Bed Buddy, a portion of proceeds will support the fight against breast cancer.

Jennifer Paxton, editorial intern at Everyday Health


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Another double digit premium increase from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts

Just returned from an eye exam with my pupils dilated wide enough that I can’t read. Luckily, I’m able to crank the font size way up on my computer monitor so that I can see well enough to write this. When I left the eye doctor I commented to the receptionist that my $25 co-pay [...]


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Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part V

Non-industrial diets from a food reward perspective

In 21st century affluent nations, we have unprecedented control over what food crosses our lips.� We can buy nearly any fruit or vegetable in any season, and a massive processed food industry has sprung up to satisfy (or manufacture) our every craving.� Most people can afford exotic spices and herbs from around the world-- consider that only a hundred years ago, black pepper was a luxury item.� But our degree of control goes even deeper: over the last century, kitchen technology such as electric/gas stoves, refrigerators, microwaves and a variety of other now-indispensable devices have changed the way we prepare food at home (Megan J. Elias.� Food in the United States, 1890-1945).�

To help calibrate our thinking about the role of food reward (and food palatability) in human evolutionary history, I offer a few brief descriptions of contemporary hunter-gatherer and non-industrial agriculturalist diets.� What did they eat, and how did they prepare it?�
Read more �


mens health health food

5 Questions: Blitz!

All week, the questions in our multiple-choice 5 Questions quizzes are inspired by NFL team names. Today’s challenge: Blitz!


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Rerun: Castlight Health CMO Dena Bravata on price transparency in health care (transcript)

I?m taking a break from blogging this week so am rerunning some favorite posts from 2010. Please visit the original post to comment. This is the transcript of my recent podcast interview with Castlight Health Chief Medical Officer Dr. Dena Bravata. David E. Williams: This is David Williams, cofounder of MedPharma Partners and author of [...]


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Monday, 12 September 2011

Gluten-Free Crunchy-Flax Review : Enjoy Life Perky's Cereal


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Obesity and drink cause liver disease

Binge drinking and obesity are contributing to a steep rise in deaths from liver disease. The number of deaths from damaged, diseased and worn-out livers has gone up by 60 per cent in just a decade in Britain.

Liver disease, including cancer, claimed 9,719 lives in Britain in 2008 alone, up from 6,058 10 years earlier, a report by the All-Party Parliamentary Hepatology Group said, according to the Daily Mail.

Alcohol is 75 per cent cheaper now than in 1980. Heavy drinking can inflame the liver, causing jaundice and leading to comas and even death. Long-term, excessive drinking can also cause cirrhosis, which destroys normal liver tissue and is replaced by scar tissue. The number of cases has increased 10-fold in recent decades.

alcoholic liver diseaseDoctors have warned that the alcohol-induced problem, usually found in older adults, is now being diagnosed in teenagers. Liver cancer is also on the rise. Although it is relatively common for cancers to spread to the liver, few cancers started there until recently.

Don Shenker of the charity Alcohol Concern, which is calling for high-strength beers and ciders to be taxed more heavily, said the combination of cheap alcohol and round-the-clock drinking, had fueled a surge in drink-related deaths.

Many young people take advantage of cheap supermarket alcohol, then go out later and stay out later. So their overall alcohol consumption has gone up, he said.

Hepatitis C is also contributing to the surge in liver deaths. Many of today's deaths are from infections caught in the 1970s and 80s, before blood transfusions were screened for the virus.

Tags : liver disease symptoms,fatty liver disease,alcoholic liver disease,liver disease in dogs,end stage liver disease,symptoms of liver disease,signs of liver disease,chronic liver disease,liver disease in cats,canine liver disease


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Ban "stock photos" from cookbooks, food magazines, etc.


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The Hottest Energy Supplements to Get You Going

The alarm clock bellows out at 5 AM ? you promptly turn it off ? then the nagging feeling of knowing you need to get out of bed and work out haunts you. The problem: you barely have enough energy to hobble to the kitchen to make your morning cup of coffee. What’s the solution [...]


arab health 2011 community health systems

Healthy Skeptic Podcast

Chris Kresser has just posted our recent interview/discussion on his blog The Healthy Skeptic.  You can listen to it on Chris's blog here.  The discussion mostly centered around body fat and food reward.  I also answered a few reader questions.  Here are some highlights:
  • How does the food reward system work? Why did it evolve?
  • Why do certain flavors we don?t initially like become appealing over time?
  • How does industrially processed food affect the food reward system?
  • What?s the most effective diet used to make rats obese in a research setting? What does this tell us about human diet and weight regulation?
  • Do we know why highly rewarding food increases the set point in some people but not in others?
  • How does the food reward theory explain the effectiveness of popular fat loss diets?
  • Does the food reward theory tell us anything about why traditional cultures are generally lean?
  • What does cooking temperature have to do with health?
  • Reader question: How does one lose fat?
  • Reader question: What do I (Stephan) eat?
  • Reader question: Why do many people gain fat with age, especially postmenopausal women?
The podcast is a sneak preview of some of the things I'll be discussing in the near future.  Enjoy!


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Sunday, 11 September 2011

Natural Bodybuilding


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Harvard Pilgrim CEO Eric Schultz speaks with the Health Business Blog (Part 3 of 4)

Recently I sat down with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC) CEO, Eric Schultz for a wide-ranging discussion on the health care business. In this third of four segments Eric and I discuss the practicality of narrow networks in a supply-constrained environment, transparency on cost, quality, service and safety, and how health plans can engage with [...]


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HHS to Pay Brokers for Enrolling Consumers in Federal High Risk Pool

Should brokers be compensated for helping consumers to enroll in government programs like the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) created by the new health care reform law? Until now, the federal government?s answer has been ?no.? That changed today and a significant precedent is being set. The National Association of Health Underwriters announced today that, [...]


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Repealing PPACA?s 1099 Provisions Could Happen Soon ? Maybe

Getting anything done in today?s Washington is never easy. Even when there?s widespread agreement. . Congress has been trying to eliminate the 1099 requirements since last year. Everyone agrees that the provision is an unaffordable burden on American business. President Barack Obama supports removing it from the health care reform law. So do a majority [...]


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The Late Movies: Sweded Films

In the 2008 movie Be Kind Rewind, Jack Black refilmed, or “sweded” popular movies on the cheap instead of buying them. People do this all the time for the fun of it, and the results are often wonderful because of the innovations necessary to get around the fact that you have no budget for the [...]


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Saturday, 10 September 2011

All About Thermogenic Fat Burners

In the world of dietary supplements, the ones that help you burn fat the fastest are generally known as thermogenic fat burners. Any dietary supplment that will help you lose weight and get rid of excess body fat should always be referred to as a fat burner. These supplements work by getting your fat out [...]


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PatientKeeper CEO Paul Brient on Accountable Care Organizations (Podcast)

Hospitals and other providers that are planning to form Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) must make sure to put a robust information infrastructure in place to enable them to manage patient care and expenses effectively. In this podcast interview, PatientKeeper CEO Paul Brient comments on the ACO draft regulations and discusses the interaction between ACO activities [...]


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Gluten-Free Recipe: Quinoa and Smoked Gouda stuffed Poblano Peppers


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Cavalcade of Risk is up at Workers? Comp Insider

Workers’ Comp Insider hosts Cavalcade of Risk blog carnival #134, featuring Security theatre, zombies, cats ‘n cars & more. Share


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September 11th and the Hospitable People of Gander, Newfoundland

In the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attacks, our Canadian neighbors sprang into action to help clear American airspace of any other potentially dangerous flights. The action was known as Operation Yellow Ribbon, and in those uncertain first hours after the attacks, it was hugely helpful. The mission also made a tiny town in [...]


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Friday, 9 September 2011

High fat diet, tobacco cause cancer

About 10 million people are diagnosed with cancer every year worldwide, with one-third the cases related to tobacco use, one-third to diet, another large percentage to infection and the remaining to pollution, stress and other factors.

According to Lalit Kumar, professor of medical oncology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), three million cases of cancer globally are due to tobacco use alone, with lung cancer claiming half the victims.

A high fat content diet can lead to breast cancer. Women who do yoga or moderate exercise everyday have lower incidence of cancer as compared to women with sedentary lifestyles and high fat intake, Kumar said at a talk at the India International Centre Wednesday evening.

"A high fat diet also acts as a trigger for prostate cancer. Fried food and spicy food is linked to cancer of the esophagus. Preservatives in food and smoked food, which is eaten in some parts of northeast India, also act as triggers for cancer," he said, adding that high fat intake and low fibre intake can cause colon cancer.

Some fungal infections can lead to liver cancer, while the human papillomavirus has been proven to be the cause of cancer of the cervix. "But the good news is, a vaccine is available and in the next 20 years the incidence of cervical cancer will come down," he said.


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Are MD/MBAs real doctors?

A lot of my business school classmates had worked as engineers. They were drawn to the intellectual challenge and rigor of the engineering field and liked the relatively high salaries for engineering jobs coming out of college. But after a few short years working as engineers they realized the real decisions and the real money [...]


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Chronic lung disease of prematurity (CLDP)

A new study has revealed that exposure to common viruses in daycare puts children with a chronic lung condition caused by premature birth at risk for serious respiratory infections.

Johns Hopkins Children Center researchers say their findings should prompt pediatricians to monitor their prematurely born patients, regardless of age, for signs of lung disease and to discuss the risks of daycare-acquired infections with the children parents.

These risks, the researchers found, include increased emergency room visits and medication use and more days with breathing problems.
chronic lung disease of prematurity
"Daycare can be a breeding ground for viruses and puts these already vulnerable children at risk for prolonged illness and serious complications from infections that are typically mild and short-lived in children with healthy lungs," said lead investigator Sharon McGrath-Morrow, M.D., M.B.A., a lung specialist at Hopkins Children's.

Investigators interviewed the parents of 111 children ages 3 and under with chronic lung disease of prematurity (CLDP) about their child's daycare attendance, infections, symptoms, emergency room visits, hospitalizations and use of medications.

Among the 22 children with CLDP who attended daycare, 37 per cent went to the ER for worsening symptoms since their last day in daycare, compared to 12 per cent of children who did not attend daycare. More than 15 per cent of those who attended daycare were hospitalized for viral illness, compared to 6 percent among those who didn't attend daycare.

Tags : chronic lung disease in infants,chronic lung disease emphysema,chronic lung disease in children,chronic lung disease in premature babies,chronic lung disease in preemies,chronic lung disease symptoms,chronic lung disease in adults,chronic lung disease of prematurity,chronic lung diseases,chronic lung disease forum


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Shedding from Aminexil?

Hey Doctor.
I use Vichy Dercos Aminexil energy spray for like 2 month and im pretty sure I got some nice shedding from it. is it possible to have shedding from aminexil? Cause I saw that you wrote it acts in similar ways as minoxidil and this one has a known shedding effect. one more question [...]


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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Health Wonk Review is up at Managed Care Matters

Managed Care Matters hosts the latest Health Wonk Review. Health Policy Heat Wave edition. Share


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Harvard Pilgrim CEO Eric Schultz speaks with the Health Business Blog (Part 1 of 4)

Recently I sat down with Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC) CEO, Eric Schultz for a wide-ranging discussion on the health care business. In this first of four segments I ask Eric to share his thoughts on the role of health plans in influencing cost and quality, what HPHC brings to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), and [...]


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GF Recipe Variation : Quinoa Stuffed Poblanos, take two.


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Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part IV

What is Food Reward?

After reading comments on my recent posts, I realized I need to do a better job of defining the term "food reward".� I'm going to take a moment to do that here.� Reward is a psychology term with a specific definition: "a process that reinforces behavior" (1).� Rewarding food is not the same thing as food that tastes good, although they often occur together.�

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Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Can You Moisturize Without the Ick Factor?

When Nivea invited Everyday Health to attend the launch of its new Hydra IQ technology, I was more than skeptical about the new product launch. As a lotion connoisseur, I?ve tried everything before ? from the glittery Disney princess lotions from my childhood to the ?imported? lotions that I filched from my grandmother?s dresser years later. Despite all my trial and error, I still haven?t committed to a moisturizer ? and I have dozens of half-used containers to prove it.

Nonetheless, I decided to go to the event because the name ?Hydra IQ? caught my eye on the invitation. I?ve heard plenty of fancy names for beauty products, but I never heard of one referring to its intelligence, so when I saw ?IQ? attached to the word ?Hydra,? I was curious. Did ?IQ? imply that these products are smarter than others? I wondered. But once I saw that Nivea was offering complimentary manicures, I was sold on attending. I figured that pretty nails would console me even if the products turned out to be a disappointment.

Nivea?s Hydra IQ technology claims to penetrate the skin?s layers for even protection and promises to hydrate the skin for more than 24 hours by maintaining the skin?s moisture level. The skin care launch includes four brand-new products, and the ingredients are also included in some of Nivea?s older skin care standbys. I tried three of its brand-new products in total, using at least one daily for two weeks.

I tend to slack off with the lotion when the weather gets warm because I hate when my skin feels greasy and sticky. But because of Nivea?s Express Hydration Freshening Gel, I don?t have that excuse anymore. It was by far my favorite Hydra IQ product because it?s made for the summer! Not only does it absorb quickly (less than two minutes), but its water-based formula makes it very lightweight. Plus, it contains mint extract, which gives your skin a cooling sensation.

I wasn?t as thrilled about Nivea?s Express Hydration Daily Lotion. Sure it kept its promise ? the lotion was fast-absorbing and it did last 24 hours ? but there are dozens of drugstore lotions that do the same thing for less than $8.99.

Out of the three Hydra IQ products I tried, Nivea?s Touch of Cashmere Body Wash was the only one I really didn?t like. The warm scent was too overpowering, and I expected it to be more moisturizing ? especially since the body wash left a slippery residue.

Nivea?s Hydra IQ technology did deliver results, but don?t purchase the entire line if you?re on a budget. The Express Hydrating Freshening Gel was the only product that was worth the fancy moniker, especially with summer heat waves and humidity levels ahead.

You can buy Nivea?s Hydra IQ products in drugstores everywhere.

--Alysha Reid


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Readmissions: Hard to predict who it will be and why

Reducing readmissions is becoming increasingly important for hospitals. In the olden days (and still to some extent now) a readmission was simply a new opportunity to earn revenue on the same patient. But as payment models evolve toward refusing payment for preventable readmissions and as readmission rates are used as publicly reported quality measures, this [...]


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A little peek into the challenges of cost control

A MedPage Today post by what appears to be an informed consumer (and not a health care professional) provides a little peek into the factors that affect health care quality and cost. In Arriving at the ED, the author tries to figure out how she’d like to be transported to the emergency department if she [...]


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Hospitals to patients: Go away and don?t come back soon

It seems that Medicare?s focus on reducing readmissions to hospitals is stimulating renewed attention to hospital discharge planning and communications. I?ve found it shocking how patients are often abruptly transitioned from high tech, high touch hospital care to their homes with minimal discharge instructions or after receiving information that?s on a 10th generation photocopy and [...]


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Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Do teens really prefer phone calls?

From all I’ve seen and heard, text messaging and Facebook are a lot more effective ways to communicate with today’s teenagers compared to calling landlines and cellphones. So I was skeptical when I read in HealthCareIT News that Telephone beats social media for teen research participation. In the age of social media and text messaging, [...]


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Shaping Up the Apple Shaped Body

In case you have some areas of the boy that have excessive fat, you could have either an apple shaped body or a pear shaped body. It is true that some part of the body shape is determined by genetics, but still?it is possible to lose fat, regardless of the body shape. In case you [...]


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Food Reward: a Dominant Factor in Obesity, Part V

Non-industrial diets from a food reward perspective

In 21st century affluent nations, we have unprecedented control over what food crosses our lips.� We can buy nearly any fruit or vegetable in any season, and a massive processed food industry has sprung up to satisfy (or manufacture) our every craving.� Most people can afford exotic spices and herbs from around the world-- consider that only a hundred years ago, black pepper was a luxury item.� But our degree of control goes even deeper: over the last century, kitchen technology such as electric/gas stoves, refrigerators, microwaves and a variety of other now-indispensable devices have changed the way we prepare food at home (Megan J. Elias.� Food in the United States, 1890-1945).�

To help calibrate our thinking about the role of food reward (and food palatability) in human evolutionary history, I offer a few brief descriptions of contemporary hunter-gatherer and non-industrial agriculturalist diets.� What did they eat, and how did they prepare it?�
Read more �


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Link between asthma and prostate cancer

asthma and prostate cancerMen who take steroid tablets or injections for treating severe asthma could face 70 per cent higher risk of prostate cancer. Those who regularly use an inhaler or a bronchodilator to relieve wheezing are 36 per cent more at risk, says a new study.

Even having asthma appears to increase prostate cancer risk by around 25 per cent. But the chances of a tumour are significantly higher if people start medication, says a Daily Mail report.The study was undertaken by a team of scientists in Melbourne, Australia.

They decided to look at the link between asthma and prostate cancer because both arise from inflammation in the body, according to the journal Cancer Epidemiology , Biomarkers and Prevention.

Tag : asthma treatment,asthma symptoms,asthma attack,asthma inhaler,asthma cure


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Monday, 5 September 2011